

Localization of fonts

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Font conversion

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Creating OpenType fonts


Creating OpenType fonts

Digital fonts in the OpenType format may include a number of advanced typographic functions and tools. We will help you to create professional fonts which will take the the full advantage of the OpenType format.

Merging several fonts into one, fully functional OpenType font

Previously, you had to set small caps or lower case numerals from individual fonts. We offer a special conversion of your fonts, which will merge small caps, alternating sets of numerals, ornaments etc. into one multi-platform font.

Defining special features in OpenType fonts

If your font contains small caps, different versions of numerals, subscript and superscript, or ornaments, we will program it in such a way that all these special characteristics will function automatically and flawlessly.

Final export

In the end, we will label the font correctly, we will set all the necessary parameters and we will export it so that the resulting OpenType fonts will function perfectly, in all modern apps and on both main platforms.